How to tackle with Monday blues at work? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How to tackle with Monday blues at work?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

After a weekend again starting off your week with Monday at work makes you sad, depressed, and low on energy and you are not alone in this world who feels that way. According to a study, scientists found that after weekends when it is only Sunday night and the work day Monday is around the corner people start stressing and feelingMonday blues.

A majority of people feel the way you do but there are a few lucky ones who have sorted a way of dealing withMonday blues. Here are a few tips where you can turn your least productive Mondays into the most productive days of the week.

1. Enjoy weekend: "Your week-end should not have a weak end", catch up with your pals, plan a movie with them and enjoy your weekend to the fullest and stop stressing about Mondays in advance. A study found that a lot of people tend to think about work on the Sunday night and don't sleep peacefully.

2. Never skip breakfast: Give yourselfa kick-start with a healthy breakfast and have a cup of black coffee to beat Monday blues. Morning hunger crankiness is one of the reasons feeling down at office.

3. Listen to music: Before heading to work, play your favorite tracks, turn up the volume and get pumped for work. Listening to music canset your mood right for work.

4. Put your favorite attire: Wearing your favorite outfits builds your confidence and maybe someone from your co-workers does compliment you that lifts your mood and helps you in beating Monday blues.

5. Smile: Last but not the least, never forget to smile. It does cost you nothing and treats everything right.


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Blogger | Posted on

The BEST method to manage it is by fixing the issues as opposed to overlooking it. Start by understanding why you are not anticipating going to work. Make a rundown of things you like and don't care for; at that point take a shot at tackling things that you don't care for. Make work fun, else it will frequent you.


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