How to Talk to Kids About Poverty? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

| Posted on | Education

How to Talk to Kids About Poverty?


Let's first talk about poverty? It is a very complex issue that can stem from reasons which are so difficult that young children cannot understand. Even though it is hard, it is very important to talk to kids about poverty. Holding a conversation about poverty can be an opportunity to rightly educate the children as well as the time to foster compassion for others. At the time when children understand a little more about the problem of why some people live differently, they will grow some empathy for people in poverty.


These conversations should start-up naturally. At a Thanksgiving food drive or a gift drive over the holidays, try to explain to them why some families do not have enough money to buy any presents. But you need to prepare yourself to encounter some tough counter questions. But it is clear that if they ask questions, then it is a sign that they are ready to know about it. However, your answer should be age-appropriate.

You need to remember that children don't understand economics or money. At this very young age, you don't need to provide any lengthy explanations about the factors which may prevent someone from earning a livable wage. Teens have the ability to understand some of the reasons why poverty exists. You should kindly talk about the general factors that lead to the contribution of poverty. In addition to the causes of poverty, try to discuss the effects. Always try to put forward a simple explanation or rather state the facts of the government services and the resources put into the places to help people but rather try to talk about the difficulties that can be for people to get out of poverty with a solution at the end.


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