How would you record stats about videos eg the total number of views, up-votes-down-votes, etc - letsdiskuss
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Abhishek Misal

Project head in keon design | Posted on | Science-Technology

How would you record stats about videos eg the total number of views, up-votes-down-votes, etc


Blogger | Posted on

If you have your own YouTube channel, then you need to know how the YouTube functions and how to measure the performance of the videos that you are uploading to YouTube. Recently YouTube has launched a new interface called YouTube studio which allows the account holders to measure the performance of their videos using many types of metrics.


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By using the YouTube Studio Beta, you can able to gather the data like Total Watch Time in Minutes, Total Views, Subscribers that you have received in the given time period, your estimated revenue from videos, etc. These data’s can be fine-tuned based on daily basis, weekly basis, or even using custom date range. By using the YouTube analytics you can also check the source from where you are getting the video views like direct search on YouTube or Whatsapp or from some other sources. Even you can come to know the keywords for which you are getting video views. That is the YouTube Studio Beta acts similar to the Google Analytics platform. This platform will help you understand the metric about your channel like Geography, Viewer age, Viewer gender, Revenue Source, Subscription status, etc.