I’ve heard some Hindus use the term “Sanatana Dharma” What is that? - letsdiskuss
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manish singh

phd student Allahabad university | Posted on | others

I’ve heard some Hindus use the term “Sanatana Dharma” What is that?


blogger | Posted on

Customarily, Hinduism is known as Sanatana Dharma, which means everlasting obligation.

Numerous individuals don't actually have the foggiest idea what dharma means and why Hinduism is called Sanatana Dharma.

Dharma really implies obligation. Sanatana Dharma implies the unceasing obligation of God. This Duty of God is shared, by Hindus, yet by all creatures in creation, including divine beings and the remainder of the mankind. Dharma is additionally utilized concerning any arrangement of good and strict laws and rules that administer strict obligation and human lead upon earth. Consequently, in famous utilization dharma is regularly deciphered as profound quality or religion instead of obligation. The fundamental motivation behind dharma is to secure the request and consistency of the world through explicit compulsory obligations (or activities) in which ethical quality and religion are the methods or the controlling variables.

Also read this:- Is Hinduism compatible with science?
