If you have to pick only one, who would you pick in your dream team—Dhoni, Kohli or Tendulkar? - letsdiskuss
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Shekhar Chandra

@letsuser | Posted on | Sports

If you have to pick only one, who would you pick in your dream team—Dhoni, Kohli or Tendulkar?


Entrepreneur | Posted on


Well, that is one difficult question. It’s not that I don’t like the other two and think of them any less, I would just pick MS Dhoni for one simple reason. He’s a great team player and a leader.

I believe cricket is about team and not individuals. It’s not the individuals who win matches—it is entire team who wins, it’s their collective performance that matters and not individual contribution. It is in this theory does Dhoni leaves Kohli and Tendulkar and many other great names far behind.

He is a selfless leader who brings together different talents on the same platform and encourages them to perform well on the field. He believes in his players. He not only performs well himself – be it in batting or as wicket-keeper – he also brings the best from others. I mean come on, T20 World Cup Final 2007, do you think Kohli or Sachin would have gave the last over to an under-pressure novice like Joginder Sharma? But Dhoni went with him, and we won the first ever t20 world cup!

In my dream team, I would ideally pick leaders and not individual performers. Yes, Kohli is a great batsman and equally good Captain. And then there’s Sachin, for who words fall short to describe his exceptionality. But at the end of the day, Dhoni would be my ultimate pick!


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