In which age periods start? - letsdiskuss
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In which age periods start?


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The age at which a girl starts her menstrual cycle, or gets her first period, can vary. In most cases, girls will get their first period between the ages of 11 and 14, but some may start earlier or later than this. It is also possible for girls to experience their first period as early as 8 years old or as late as 16 years old.

It's important to note that starting periods at a younger age doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem, and neither does starting later. The age at which a girl starts her menstrual cycle is largely determined by factors such as genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

If you have concerns about the age at which your daughter or a girl you know has started her periods, it's best to consult a doctor or healthcare provider who can provide advice and support.


(source;- google)


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