Installing the “Pataka” sound in Bullet is legal in India? - letsdiskuss
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मयंक मानिक

Student-B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering,Mit Art Design and Technology University | Posted on | others

Installing the “Pataka” sound in Bullet is legal in India?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

It is a big No! I repeat making such modifications in your bullet bike is a big no. It creates nuisance, noise pollution and panic among commuters. Moreover, such modifications can also lead to mishaps.

Enlarged silencers and the "Pataka"sound becoming very popular in the market. A lot of youngsters go after that modification without knowing that what they are installing in their bikes can land them in troubles. Installing loud silencers, multi-sound and pressure horns in bullets could face you six-year imprisonment and a fine of Rs 5,000.

It is only not illegal in India but also can be a risk to your life and bike. The cracking sound the bullet produces may give you thrills but it impacts your mileage and performance and in some worst scenarios, you have to get your engine repaired!



Engineer at KW Group | Posted on

No, It is not legal in India and also it’s a very risky for human life and for the driver. It is only for fun but this fun can take your life. So don’t do this because it also generates noise pollution.


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