Is BJP manipulating Andh Bhakts emotionally? - letsdiskuss
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parvin singh

Army constable | Posted on | others

Is BJP manipulating Andh Bhakts emotionally?


Army constable | Posted on

On the off chance that you uphold the BJP, you are named as Andh Bhakts.
Be that as it may, on the off chance that you uphold the Congress and other local gatherings who have their establishment in communalism and savagery you become liberal.
Calling an individual "Maut Ka Saudagar" is being liberal, Supporting the Tukde Gang is being liberal, Award Wapsi during BJP rule is being liberal, Shouting Bharat tere tukde honge, Insha A**** is liberal, Afzal tere katil zinda hai is liberal, Killing Hindus is liberal, Being engaged with hostile to public exercises is liberal, Urban Naxals are nonconformists, Opposing BJP is being liberal and supporting the Congress is liberal, Instigating riots is liberal, Stopping the arrival of the book and guaranteeing that the subtleties of the uproars don't come out is liberal. The rundown is comprehensive.
On the off chance that you uphold the BJP you are public yet in the event that you uphold others you are liberal
This man said 15 Crore Muslims can end up being weighty on 100 Crore Hindus, he was hailed as a liberal and the alleged dissidents didn't express a solitary word against him.
