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rajat Gupta

Former Software developer at Tata Consultancy Services | Posted on | Health-beauty

Is brain tumor surgery dangerous ?


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on

Any surgery in the brain or spinal cord is serious and carries a certain level of risk. For its complexity, surgeons have to be very careful and work with high precision to prevent complications like bleeding, swelling of brain, infections or response to anesthesia. The risk factor varies according to the size and position of the tumor in the brain. 30% of tumors are often benign and may not require any surgery at all.

Some surgeries can be minimally invasive or may not require any wounds or cuts. For example, radiosurgery involves targeted radiotherapy with Gamma Knife, Cyber knife etc. Many brain tumors for its remote location cannot be operated at all. Removing tumor may also lead to partial loss of brain functions later. It is up to the doctors to determine how much tissue can be removed safely.


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Cosmetic Surgery clinic | Posted on

Medical procedure on the mind or spinal line is a genuine task, and specialists are mindful so as to endeavor to restrict any issues either amid or after medical procedure. Complexities amid or after medical procedure, for example, dying, diseases, or responses to anesthesia are uncommon, yet they can occur.