Is coding in small age beneficial? - letsdiskuss
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Shikha Kudesia

Content writer and teacher also | Posted on | Education

Is coding in small age beneficial?


Content writer and teacher also | Posted on

In the era that we living, everything is going online. Today almost every person is using a laptop, computer, smartphone and tab. Shortly, the maximum number of things would be completely digital. So it is very important to update ourself with time.

Coding for kids is gaining popularity rapidly in recent years as the technology becomes increasingly part of everyday life.

"Coding means computer programming or programs developing. It is just a computer language with a series of input and outputs, action and reaction."

We are using a number of software which is created by coding. Our smartphone, tablet, computer and all the devices are running with the software.


Coding for young ones

To aware of our young ones about digital technology, coding is very important. Our world is shifting towards technology very rapidly. Video games, robots, websites all are working because of coding. So, like other subjects, computer science is also a necessary subject now.

Age 7 or 8 is a very suitable age for learning, logical and critical thinking which important for coding.

Age 10 is the perfect age to create programs. It enhances cognitive skills and increases their problem-solving ability. It helps them to think structurally.

Scratch, Tynker, Kodable are some platforms which help to learn to code.

Most of the jobs are based on IT Skills. The need for a coding specialist is increasing day by day. Coding specialist is getting high pay and lots of opportunities will be there in the future.

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