Is divorce a dirty word? - letsdiskuss
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supriya sunariya

Marketing executive | Posted on | entertainment

Is divorce a dirty word?


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Divorce means legally dissolve marriage with someone. The word divorce is a very strong word. It depends like it is bad for some people or it is good for some people but for me it is good ,it is not always a bad word .Lots of people judge if you say you get divorced. There is no such any shameful thing divorce is.There are many reasons for which people get divorced -

1. Lack of commitment with your partner.

2. Too much arguing

3. Maaried too young

4. Abusing .

5. Domestic violence.



Blogger | Posted on

No,divorce is not a dirty word.Divorce means separation or ending of a husband & wife’s relationship.Thus,few people think divorce is a negative word.If the relation between husband & wife is not running smoothly,then it is better to get separated.Broad minded & educated people understand it well,whereas people who are illeterates,who are narrow minded will never understand what divorce actually is.I personally believe that,if there is no happiness,trust & love in a relationship then divorce is the only means to lead a peaceful life ahead.
