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राहुल ओबरॉय

Engineer,IBM | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

Is it a good time to enter the stock market for a first-time investor?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

While many “experts” would ask you to stay out of the current bear market for a while and watch how things unfold, I say it’s the perfect time to buy stocks of good companies. I don’t believe the bearish market will continue for long. Even with a possible looming threat of recession, in near term, we would see the market pickup and deliver big rewards to those who trusted it even in its bad days. So if you want to invest in stock market, yes, it’s a great time to go ahead. BUY THE DIP!

But there are few things you must note. Don’t invest all your money in lump sum. Have a strategy. Plus, do some research and invest in a range of companies and industries. Go with the old-age rule of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Find a handful of companies who are doing comparatively well even in the bear market. They are likely to sustain in the long run even amid the market downturn.

And most importantly, steer clear of FUD.

Hope this helped. Good luck!
