Is it correct to have separate public washrooms for LGBTQ community? - letsdiskuss

Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | others

Is it correct to have separate public washrooms for LGBTQ community?


Thinker | Posted on

The question has been debatable since very long. With Barack Obama offering the guidance to LGBTQ community, to Trump recalling it, the question just doesn’t settle down.

There are cases where Transgender have been asked to produce their identity proofs before using the washrooms.

This has always been a great threat to the basic rights of every individual that we talk about. The denial of privacy to a certain section of society makes them prone to the sexual assault and harassment on various levels.

In many places, the persons belonging to LGBTQ community, are allowed to use washrooms in accordance to their biological sex, and not their gender identity. The sex, and the gender identity not being in sync, pose the problem of shame which is often depressive and even suicidal.

The fact that we have a separate box for LGBTQ community while asking for the gender identity in separate forms, but don’t have provisions for them in public spaces, schools, businesses, offices, and other institutions, points out that we have failed to put in practice what we “pretend” to accept in theory.


So yes, having separate public washrooms for LGBTQ community is not only correct, but very much necessary. This would mean that the society has started not only acknowledging, but accepting different gender identities, and that we are ready to move beyond the male-female dichotomy.