Is living a balanced life a myth, if not than what are the secrets of living a balanced life? - letsdiskuss
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Kanika Malhotra

On the path of becoming a professional Life Coach | Posted on | others

Is living a balanced life a myth, if not than what are the secrets of living a balanced life?


Healer, writer | Posted on

Everything is a myth until it is unraveled. And a “balanced life” never was a myth, and never will be a myth. Everyone lives a perfectly balanced life until they begin to compare their life with that of someone else's life. When you compare your life with that of someone else’s lifestyle, or to people you see and follow on Facebook and Instagram, well, you are then deceived into believing that their life is a “bed of roses”. You also constantly dwell upon what that person or people have and you don't. This could be abundant wealth, cars, houses, boyfriends/girlfriends, businesses, and a lifestyle of all parties with attractive people and at wonderful destinations. This is when “a balanced life” becomes “elusive” and you have to wonder if it is a myth.

Also read:- Which mythical creature do you wish actually existed?


If at all you see your life as imbalanced, it is because you have been busy assessing other people's lives and therefore have not had the time to focus on, or appreciate all the things that you “do” have. When you begin to truly appreciate all the good things you have and be grateful for it, you will begin to attract more of it into your life. All of the abundances of this abundant perfect universe are freely available for you to revel in, the minute you begin to appreciate and give thanks for what you have.