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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Is the return of wing commander Abhinandan from Pakistan a victory for PM Modi?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

What every Indian wanted, that is, the revenge for Pulwama Attack was done with the Surgical Strike 2.0 by IAF, and it is being dubbed as a great act of retaliation from India. But as Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan promised, Pakistan also gave it back to India and the Pakistani fighter planes also invaded Indian skies on 27th February. While defending, one Indian fighter jet was crashed and the pilot of that jet was wing commander Abhinandan.

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Pakistan did not only capture the commander but also released his video on social media in which he is being mistreated at the other side of the border. India has displayed its disagreement on this act and has accused Pakistan of violating the Geneva Convention.

After all the harm has been done and after Red Cross has pressurized the country, Pakistani bureaucrats have realized their mistake and have decided to release the commander, giving him to the Red Cross. After the act, Pakistan is pretending to be the greater one, and the one which is promoting peace when the rival neighbors are standing on the verge of a war.

Now the general public which is not aware of the underlying politics is calling it a political victory of PM Modi on the face of Pakistan. What we should notice is that all these proceedings are due to the Red Cross and the Geneva Convention, and Narendra Modi and his politics have no role to play in bringing wing commander Abhinandan back.

So there is no need to connect the return of wing commander Abhinandan with Mr. Modi’s success.