Is the Solar Eclipse of August 2018, this year’s last Solar Eclipse? - letsdiskuss
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Brij Gupta

Optician | Posted on | Astrology

Is the Solar Eclipse of August 2018, this year’s last Solar Eclipse?


Engineer at KW Group | Posted on

In July 2018, we saw two eclipses. And the news is that the Solar Eclipse of 11th August 2018, will be the last eclipse of this year.

About this Solar Eclipse:

The Solar Eclipse of 11th August 2018, will be the third and the last Solar Eclipse of this year. The Solar Eclipse will last only for 3 hours and 30 minutes, from 1:32 pm to 5:02 pm. This Solar Eclipse can be seen from some parts of China.

Solar Eclipses generally are not harmless, but this year’s last Solar Eclipse is going to be a bit unlucky for pregnant women. Any work done during the Solar Eclipse can have adverse effects of the child of a pregnant woman.

Pregnant women should not hold any sharp object during Solar Eclipse, neither should they cut any kind of fruit or vegetable. Generally, it is prohibited to eat or drink anything during Solar Eclipse, but pregnant women can do this, provided they are not cutting any fruit or vegetable.

If a pregnant woman holds scissors during Solar Eclipse, the lips of her child are cut. If she holds a needle, the heart of her child has a whole.

Pregnant women are advised to take bath after the end of Solar Eclipse. If possible, everyone should take bath after Solar Eclipse.

(Translated from Hindi by Team Lets Diskuss)