Is there any cheap way to become a millionaire quickly? - letsdiskuss
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Raymond Schoor

@letsuser | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

Is there any cheap way to become a millionaire quickly?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

I don’t know exactly what you meant by the “cheapest” way to become a millionaire. Like, are you asking how to become a millionaire without any big capital requirement?

In that case, the simple answer is saving and investing. Save a part of your salary every month and then invest it in the right asset (stock, mutual funds, cryptocurrency), and over the course, you will see your fortune multiply comfortably. Indeed, it’s not a quick approach but you will surely see a good result.

Another much similar way is investing in a promising start-up right in the first stage where the venture is valued less. Once it becomes a big industry-name and starts generating revenue, you could see your small investment grow very quickly.

Blogging is another cheap way to become a millionaire. Yes, there are many bloggers around the world who make millions in annual revenue. Invest in a domain name and web host; or you can even host your website for free on Blogger,, and Wix). Of course, you’re going to have to work very hard to generate money from your blog. But if you’re consistent, have a great team and have picked a good team, you could make millions from the blog right in the first 24 months.

We’ve also heard stories about Amazon and eBay sellers who managed millions in profit by selling simple products. You can try replicating their stories by innovating something.

To become a millionaire – at cheap and quickest – you’re going to need a fair amount of luck. Just working hard might not do the trick for you.
