Is there any cream or remedy to eliminate the stereotype of the skin? - letsdiskuss
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Riddhima Saha

student | Posted on | Health-beauty

Is there any cream or remedy to eliminate the stereotype of the skin?


Blogger | Posted on

There are many home remedies as well as cosmetology treatments to get rid of uneven skin tones and so called skin stereotypes.

As far as cosmetology is concerned, I would recommend Alchemy & Ageless Clinic. Also, consultation will play a very important role in deciding which treatments to go for and how long.

Besan with milk cream is one of the most promised home remedy to get rid of the dark and uneven skin tone. If your skin is oily, avoid milk cream and opt for rose water. Mix it and apply the paste all over your face. Let it sit for 15 minutes and wash off with normal water. Moisturize if necessary. Apply this at least 5 times a week for a good result.


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