Is Whatsapp going to be banned in India? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | others

Is Whatsapp going to be banned in India?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

Apparently, The government at Center is indeed posing threats before the giant messenger, Whatsapp, on the grounds of fake news and privacy issues.

After **** sites, and many other bans, that our current government has put on various platforms of our life, Whatsapp seems to be the other target, with Facebook and Twitter in line. If this happens, the loss would be felt on both the ends.


While people here have made Whatsapp an inevitable part of their lives, Whatsapp gets a very large number of consumers in India. So banning Whatsapp is definitely not going to be good at all.

After receiving continuous threats from the Center, Whatsapp has acquiesced to most of its demands, but it seems reluctant on uplifting the end to end encryption of messages, as it would disturb their whole security system.

However, the messenger has got a clear cut warning that if it fails to get rid of fake news and hate messages, it will see a ban coming in near future in India.