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Brij Gupta

Optician | Posted on | Astrology

People of which zodiac should never reveal their secrets?


Engineer at KW Group | Posted on

Astrology can tell anything about a human, by looking at his/her zodiac sign. So it is astrology, which advises certain zodiac signs to not reveal their secrets to anyone. Doing so can be disadvantageous or harmful for such people.

These Zodiacs are:

Aries: Mars is the master of Aries. According to astrology, people belonging to Aries find it difficult to keep any secret to themselves. But they should try not to reveal their secrets as it can have adverse effects on their lives.

Libra: Libra is guided by Venus. Libra are outspoken and will never keep your secret. So you should think twice before telling them anything. They are advised to be a bit secretive.

Cancer: The master of Cancer is moon. Cancer can reveal a lot by telling their secrets and create a problem for themselves. So they should also keep their secrets to themselves.

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(Translated from Hindi by Team Lets Diskuss)