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Himani Saini

| Posted on | Education

4 Tips for Building a Unique Brand Identity


4 Tips for Building a Unique Brand Identity

Starting a small business isn’t a simple matter of coming up with an original name and putting up a physical store. For it to grow, it needs to set itself apart from all other businesses in the market. This is how you build up a loyal following and increase the visibility of your products or services


That’s not to mention the fact that a unique brand identity can also give your business a competitive edge. The question now is knowing how to pull it off. It takes work to come up with a unique identity for your brand, but learning the basics should put you on the right track:

  1. Get a good feel of the market and the competition

You’re probably not the only business in your niche, so you must assess the market situation first before you come up with a brand-building strategy. Doing this begins with checking who your competitors are and the way they project themselves to their target audience. Pay attention to the taglines they’re using as well as their visual style. The use of colors and graphics plays a big role in developing familiarity among your customers. Know what they’re doing right and you might want to apply the same to your brand.

  1. Take your identity to the real world

Brand-building doesn’t just occur online. If you have a physical store, make sure it’s fitted with your visual standards. Everything from the colors to the overall aesthetic style of your brand should also be reflected in every physical asset. That includes the uniforms your staff is wearing, the mylar bags you’re using to pack your products, and even the wall decor. Consistency is the key to effective brand-building and maintaining that will help bring your customers closer to you.

  1. Bank on your brand story and philosophy

You can always use other brands as inspiration for building your unique identity, but you still need a solid foundation to keep the entire thing stable. This is largely a matter of determining your values as a business owner and your long-term vision for the community you’re serving.


This way, people will know you’re not in the market just to make money. You can strengthen your brand identity by developing a story of how you got started in the first place. Talk about the things that encouraged you to turn a simple business concept into a personal project bringing value to your audience.

  1. Build an effective digital marketing strategy

Once you have laid down the values and vision of your brand and gained insight into the current market situation, you can then use all of these details to create promotional assets. Digital marketing is invaluable to brand-building, so use social media as a means to generate noise. Create a diverse set of content that includes photos and videos that will attract prospects to your product and service offers. Aside from social media, you can also use blogging to give people a more in-depth look at your brand and your offers.



With a unique brand identity, your business has a better chance of raising loyal customers and expanding across borders. Use these tips to do it right.