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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on |



Education is an art of delivering knowledge, value skills, morals and teaching anyone about the ethics of the universe. Most of the people confuse themselves by considering schooling as a part of education. Education can be defined as a process of nurturing the people according to their interest. It is a method which is used to transfer the knowledge and learning about a particular topic which might be related to society or helps in making a better one. Educating someone is not restricted to just books, notes or copies. It can also be derived from a person who might be an acquaintance. For instance, parents teach their children about manners and how to look presentable in society.



Education is equally important as oxygen is important for a person to live. It gives a path for a person on how he has to live his life in future. Education is a key which will give the person different career options and helps them to achieve those by learning and gaining knowledge and skills about the particular field. Following are some of the important points which are supposed to be undertaken to understand the importance of education in a person's life.

Stable life: with the help of education the person can achieve many goals in his life and can stable his life structure. Education is something which can never be separated from the person who has gained it. It gives the opportunity to the person to look forward in his life and opens many doors of opportunities.

Provide assurances of finance: to achieve a stable life it is very important for a person to have finance as their main weapon. In the modern era, education can provide the person with an educated amount of knowledge and skill to perform the job which will in turn give money as an insurance.

Equality: equality is a key source which defines that there is no line between rich or poor and a girl or a boy. There is a need to be understood that education is not meant only for rich people and not only for boys but it is meant for each in every person who can take advantage of the same and be successful in life. This helps the country to develop fast.

Provides Protection: education helps in providing a safer world and a protection from non-human activities. Give the person confidence to stand in a society where he/she can defend themselves from being taken advantage of.

importance of education


Under the Constitution of India, it is compulsory to provide free education to children from age 6 to 14 under the fundamental rights. Education in India is provided by public and private schools of the country. In the modern era, education is considered to be the most important thing for survival in society. The administration of the Central and State government provides funds for the formulation of public schools in the country. There is still a very low budget allowed to the education administration councils, due to which there is a lack of resources for the public schools. The poor resources which are available in the schools leads to slow growth of children and turnover of the teachers. This low growth of public schools in the country has encouraged the growth of private schools in the country. Education system in India has been working as a business opportunity for many rich associates. Private schools provide the facilities which attract the parents of most of the children and they also prefer to send their kids in an atmosphere which is safe and sound. Due to this, there is a line between poor and rich kids. The education system in India focuses on grades than the knowledge and potential of the kids. The growth of India is on hold because of the way the education works.



Indian Education System, a great need to be enhanced more and should focus on the knowledge, skills, and potential of the children of the country and not forcing them to run in the competition to achieve the highest. Education is what we take in as a learning experience and convert that into the end result which is a stable and sutble life. For the growth and development of country, there is great need for the change in the education environment.