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Disparity In Women’s Education and Employment


Disparity In Women’s Education and Employment

The disparity is the biggest problem in the world, and the most vulnerable section that faces disparity is children and women. But whenever we talk about the disparity, women are always ahead in this. There are many records showings that women didn’t get proper education, employment, socioeconomic status, and so on. We can clearly see a wide gap between women’s and men’s education. And this gap in education directly affects the ratio of women’s employment. There are many countries trying to fulfill this gap but still, we can’t reach our goals. However, we can see that the number are changing and improving yearly, and women’s participation in education is also increasing as compared to last decade’s records. Here we are going to analyze in-depth disparities in women's education and employment and other facts related to it.

Disparity In Women’s Education and Employment

Statics Of Disparity in Women’s Education & Employment

As per World Bank Data, India has seen an ever-declining female labor force participation in the past two decades. The major downfall has been seen after the pandemic. The women’s workforce is tripped down to 20.3% in 2019 from more than 26% in 2005. One-fifth of the female population was composed of the workforce. In comparison with 30.5% and 33.7% in neighboring countries like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Overall, the performance was bad but if we compare the data with neighborhood countries we are in a better condition. However, at the same time, India has been an appreciable improvement in women’s education. As per the Gender Parity Index, higher education in India in 2019-20 is 1.01 against 1.00 in 2018-19 and the fertility rate was 2.2 birth per woman which is falling gradually from 3.3 births per woman in 2000. This ratio shows that the growth rate of India in women’s education is increasing but at a very slow pace which indirectly affects the development of India’s Economic. And just 0.1% growth in a whole year is not a good outcome. This ratio clearly shows that the disparity in women’s education is as balanced as it has ever been. There are many reasons behind this disparity which we are going to discuss in this article.

  1. Education Awareness- Education awareness plays a vital role in everyone’s life it doesn’t matter if are you working or not. The absence of education indirectly affects the mentality of women. They were not aware of the things related to healthy, rights, and socioeconomic status. And there are only 13% of Indian women get primary education and the gap becomes wider when it goes to level up. Only 3% of women get higher education.
  2. Absence of Childcare – The first and major reason behind the disparity in women’s education is an absence of awareness related to childcare, education, and proper creche facilities. Most of the people think that giving education to women is not worth it at all. But it directly affects the development of a nation.
  3. Patriarchy & Husband’s Finance are good enough – there are many records showings that women are not working because their fathers and husband earn a decent living. Even those women are also not working have high qualifications and certificates. it is also interesting to know that such a mentality is “more binding” among wealthier. As per records, the female participation rate declined from 34.1% in 1999-2000 to 27.2% in 2011-12. This means women spent 16.9% of their time on domestic services and only 4.2% on paid employment. On the other hand, only 50% of Women believed that married women should not be working outside the home.
  4. Low Pays Job- This is the biggest disparity that always happened with women. They didn’t get what they are deserving even if they have qualifications and experience too. If we compared the data, women always get low pay as compared to men for the same position. This discrimination makes women moral down and they decide to remain out of the labor force. As per data, the gender pay gap stood at 19% on average and has increased from 2017 when it was 15%.
  5. Workplace Security Concerns- There are many households who support their daughter and women to get a proper education and qualifications but still they didn’t allow them to do work because they have concerns related to security. There are many women suffering lies in sexual harassment and abuse in their workplace. 505 cases of “Insult to modest of women at the workplace or in office premises” were recorded in 2019 by the National Crime Records Bureau. However, the actual number of records are much higher, which are underreported due to many reasons.
  6. Working Women and unstable finances are proportional- One of the major reasons women a less participated in employment is that women’s employment isn’t considered one of the pillars must have to live a life. One more important scenario is that educated women are getting married to more educated men who earn a higher income. To conclude, women are not working for contributing to GDP or to developing nations. Whenever household income increase and the reliance on the women’s earnings plummet it spurs women to drop out of the labor force.

Women’s Education Affects Development

Women’s education widely affects the development of any country. It is not possible for any country to grow without educating women. When half of the population is not aware of the development how can a country grow? Only one section of the country is not enough to develop your country. Every section of the country must pay an equal contribution to the development and growth of a country.

There are some official data which is released by United Nations Federal Credit Union

  • The data shows that 129 million girls are out of school worldwide.
  • Out of 196, only 49% of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education
  • The gaps became wider when it came to a higher level. Only 42% of countries have reached gender parity in lower education and 24% in upper education.
  • The global labor force participation rate of women is just under 47%.
  • Women’s must work hard to find jobs as compared to men.
  • Unemployment rate for women exceeds 20%


The gaps in women’s education not only affect professional life but personal life too. As per National Family and Healthy Survey, around 21% of the women do not participate in decisions regarding their own household purchases, children’s education, and healthcare. And 17% of women depend on their husband’s decisions when it’s come to employment. Moreover, only 25% of women who worked in the past 12 months getting paid in cash. This is official data released by the government which shows the disparity. The government also took some major steps and managed types of camping to aware women for their right to education. As a developing country, we must ensure that every section gets proper education and employment. If our half of the population doesn’t take participation to contribute to the GDP, the nation’s growth remains low, and we can’t grow as new think. Only 65% of girls could read and write, they were even not come under the list of literacy. There are only 10% of girls were enrolled in secondary education and half of them never completed their secondary education. We need to work on this ratio for our developing nation and our personal growth.