Hardware security is the security system that helps protect your physical asset. When you are at work who will help look after the asset left at home? The security system will kick in and give you a warning if there is anyone trespassing into your property. This can give you an ease of mind to concentrate on your work.
What type of hardware security system do we have?
There are several types of hardware security in the market now. So, what are the available system available now?
-Access Control
-Burglar Alarm System
-Motion Detector
As you can see all this are common technologies that have been available in the market for quite long. Programmersare also working days and nights to enhance the security that these systems can bring to you. But with enhancement, there are some risks that are coming along with it.
Hardware security and its risk
The risk we can see are very predictable. What is the common thing between all this equipment? They are all able to be connected to the network system to allow the user to receive an alert when there is a breach. With network involve, it brings about risk from hackers orrisk from the spy. With all this without proper software security, it will be risky. Software security will help protect you from an attack which we can't see with our naked eyes. Attacks from the network.
Hardware security has advanced to a stage where we will need to use it with software security to ensure a fully covered security.