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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

How To Create a Joyful Back-to-School Environment in Your Household


The beginning of the school year can be challenging for both children and parents. Even well-adjusted kids struggle with getting back into the academic routine. However, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or those who have anxiety often have even more difficulty. Fortunately, going back to school does not have to be daunting, and there are various things you can do to ease the tension and stress.

How To Create a Joyful Back-to-School Environment in Your Household

Help with Organization

One of theADHD symptoms in 5 year old and other ages is difficulty organizing activities and tasks. School requires quite a bit of organization, and there are strategies you can implement.

Having a calendar is a good start. Find a large one that is easy to read and has adequate space for various activities. Work with your children to write in all of their extra-curricular activities. Each child can also have their own calendar in which they enter due dates of homework and tests, so they can organize their study time. For older students, a planner may be preferred.

Even once you have everything written down, sticking to tasks can be challenging. Have your child break down projects and study time into smaller chunks and take more frequent breaks.

Address Stress and Anxiety

It is common for children, and especially teens, to have anxiety and be stressed. Address these feelings and help your child come up with ways to manage these emotions. Perhaps it is signing up for an activity or sport that your child enjoys. Older children may choose yoga or meditation to deal with anxiety and stress.

If you suspect that your child's anxiety is not normal, you may want to find ways to manage the symptoms. Although there is anti-anxiety medication, it has associated side effects. When looking for natural treatment for anxiety in teenager, there are some homeopathic and safe options you can try. Therapy may also be an option.

Set Up Routines

All children thrive with routines, but they are especially important for those with ADHD. You should implement bedtime and wake-up routines for every day of the week, not just weekdays. Minimize screen time before bed and set a relaxing routine prior to bedtime. Stick as closely to the same sleep and wake-up times as possible.

Morning routines should include healthy breakfasts, as this sets your children up for success. You should also set an after-school routine. This will be different for each child, depending on their ages and activities.

If you have a child with ADHD, a set routine after school is imperative to complete necessary tasks and homework. Set realistic expectations, and reward good work and behavior.

Although there is also medication for children with ADHD, they are often not recommended due to side effects. Instead, there are over the counter meds for ADHD child that work with the body to reduce symptoms, such as difficulty paying attention, lack of focus, fidgeting, and impulsivity. As they are natural, they are also safe for children, even younger ones, and there are no contraindications with other medications or supplements.