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Karan Rathor

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Online Sales Funnel Optimization in Digital Marketing


A digital marketing sales funnel is the visualization for understanding the process of converting potential leads into paying customers.


From beginning to end many steps are involved in the sales funnel and understanding of these steps is highly essential for better results.


The is designed for better understanding of sales funnel. Understanding it’s all steps will help us to improves sales also will let us know the importance of this model


1) Awareness


This phase is about creating a foundation for the customer journey by informing the general public, who may have no prior knowledge about your company, of your offerings.


It is really important to take better understanding of audience you are going to address before introducing awareness strategies to must be very clear about the customer’s requirement. Things that they are interested in and more importantly what are the trigger points. These things can help to trigger their nerve


 Create top-notch, intriguing content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. Depending on your target audience, this may be blog posts, articles, infographics, or videos. 


Take advantage of social media channels to connect with a large number of people. Create and publish your content on the platforms your target audience uses the most. In this modern era one to one conversation is made so easy with customers that not only helps to reach customers but also a very fast source of spreading information to customer’s


You can take the help of any reputable digital marketing services to establish effective awareness of your brand among the customers.


2) Interest


This is the stage where the audience begins to perceive your brand and start looking up more information about what you are offering.


Using some interactive ways like surveys, interactive infographics or quizzes. Using such contents affirms that we have active audience and we can make offers to them accordingly.


3)  Desire


At this point, one has to develop customers interest by keeping their likes and dislikes in mind. Not only this it is also Important to urge a strong desire among them for the product.


Brief description of product and services must be provided to customers. Try to highlight things that differentiate you from others. That will be powerful trick to increase sales funnel. Moreover, also mention what are the benefits that one can enjoy with your product and see a boost in your sales..


Connect with your readers at an emotional level. Speak to their aspirations, wants, and emotions. Using some messages like a tag line or any visuals that connects the brand directly to the client will evoke a very positive impact on sales funnel.

Words can always blow a magic and this is what we need to do here. Using some powerful reviews from happy customers or making a story that connects our brand will be adding some extra sugar in it. As per phycology humans easily get attracted towards stories so let them enjoy your offers in a way that they trust any other brand.


4) Action


The action stage in the AIDAA model is the fourth stage of the sales funnel, which comes after awareness, interest, and desire. This is the point where customers would show interest in the brand. Here we would need to engage them with prospectus that will blow air to their desires. The action stage usually considers to convert virtual customers into reality.


Ensure a clear prospectus is published and concise calls to actions are being made to all marketing channels The CTA should be clearly displayed.



5)  Advocacy


in the AIDAA model, the last stage is advocacy, this is the stage where a brand successfully makes its happy customers their brand’s promoters and advocates.  They do not get paid for these promotions but, their satisfaction level urges them to promote brand among their circle.


Provide customer service that exceeds expectations. To make customers as your brand’s advocates it is really important to ensures their positive post-purchase experience and satisfaction.


Active response to customer queries, their feedbacks, taking minimum time to solve their problems and continuous repetition of one more than their expectation can build strong advocates.

Ask customers to write reviews and testimonials. The positive feedback creates trust among first-time buyers and acts as a social proof of the quality.



Benefits of Sales Funnel Optimization


Improved Customer Journey


If you are opting for improved customer journey then sales funnel optimization is best option for this. Through the careful mapping of the funnel, businesses can target their marketing to the specific needs and concerns of potential customers at each step.


As a result, users would have more tailored and interesting experience that is really very important for connection and trust while starting  conversions.

Increased Conversion Rates


There are various benefits that we enjoy with sales funnel optimization but the biggest one is that its conversion rate is very high than other strategies.

Businesses can easily remove their obstacles and can outline the purchase process by fixing funnel bottlenecks. It is very simple for prospectus and takes it to advance stages as well.

Higher efficiency can yield a higher conversion of leads into paying customers.


Online Sales Funnel Optimization in Digital Marketing