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silvia watson

Freelance writer | Posted on |

Primary quality of your mattress – How soft is your mattress?


One of the essential considerations that you have to have when you buy new mattresses is its firmness. The correct level of firmness which exists for the individual sleeper will be dependent on a number of different factors which includes the individual’s height, weight and their preferred position for sleeping. The firmness will be generally measured by using 1 to 10 scale with 10 being the firmest a mattress can be. In this article, you will learn about why besides firmness, softness is also important in mattresses.  

Primary quality of your mattress – How soft is your mattress?

Soft mattresses

The soft mattress is more appropriate for those people who are a bit lighter in their body weight. IT is also suited for people who fall in the average weight category. The level of firmness will not conform to all individuals as it may result in giving discomfort to the neck or shoulders, or the lower back and in other sensitive body parts. The side sleepers would also find softer mattresses better because the cushioning of the shoulders or the hips would be an important factor in aligning their neck, pelvis with their spine because an improper alignment might give body aches and back pains.

IT is similarly important for people who are heavier in their body weight to think that they will not feel too comfortable on the soft mattress as they fear they may sink in and compromise on their back support which can cause discomfort.

Highlights of a good soft mattress:

  •  You will have several different options for firmness in the form of a 3, 5, a 5.5 or the highest level of 7.5 in mattress firmness.
  •  These mattresses will provide you with a lifetime guarantee for comfort.
  • You will be getting a lifetime warranty on your mattresses.
  • You will get enhanced support on the edge of your mattress.
  •  You will be able to sleep in cooler temperature as the mattress will not retain too much heat.

There are various companies on the internet which offers soft mattresses. You will find these mattresses with three general options for firmness, which includes the “Soft” at a level 3, a medium which includes a 5.5 level and the maximum of level 7. The first two options are just perfect for people who are light to average in their body weight and also for side sleepers as they will need the extra cushioning. These mattresses are designed with a number of comfort layers comprising memory foam along with polyfoam which is copper infused. These components will let your mattress conform to the individual’s particular pressure points. Copper will also help to improve blood circulation in the sleeper,and the materials shall also make the sleep cooler compared to conventional foam.

What are soft mattresses good for?

These mattresses are perfect for couples, and people who love to sleep tight. They also benefit people who suffer from back pains.Be sure to read online mattress company reviews before you buy a mattress from an online company.

Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will help you. You can stay tuned to our channel to get more updates