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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

Teaching Your Child Emotional Intelligence: Tips from Successful Parents


Introducing emotions to your child is the first step to letting them engage with people. People and society are an integral part of our life, and if you think that you can live by ignoring them, then this is just a dream.

You cannot improve yourself and showcase better skills without being engaged in society. You always need an admirer to admit your skills and prosperities. When you are on the go, it's better to understand social skills and increase your potential to deal with others.

This is not just about society but also about your self-development. Well, the child development process is mostly related to their emotional development. So, if you wish your child to grow fully in the future, you must also take care of their emotions. Being in this competitive world, you will need to be aware of the facts and facets related to it. The world of popularity and competition, in major ways, can relate to people's emotions.

Here our main focus is to handle the emotions of a child and increase their intelligence. If you think that emotion and intelligence do not relate to each other, then you have a wrong conception.

Teaching Your Child Emotional Intelligence: Tips from Successful Parents

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

If there are no relations, then this phrase would not exist together. Emotional intelligence is a form of feeling that also helps people be genuine with their emotions depending on situations. Most of us in our society feel the heat of pressure and fail to express our true feelings.

Well, suppressing emotions cannot be an appropriate way to deal with society on our own problems. In fact, problems arise with suppression.

However, emotional intelligence may help you to identify emotions and express those according to the situation and environment. Emotional intelligence is the process of dealing with emotions. It determines your ability to use, perceive, understand, and manage all human emotions.

However, if you do not allow your child to learn and upgrade emotional intelligence, it will be hard for them to cover their ideas. It is a process ofbrain development. This is where you will need to be aware of the facts and facets related to teaching them emotional intelligence.

Ways To Teach Your Child Emotional Intelligence

Considering emotional intelligence in your child’s growth process is not as easy as you think. They are not going to develop emotions if you do not help them carry those and understand the workability of each feeling.

You will be astonished to know that some of us still do not know all forms of emotions or cannot recognize some.

Why does this happen?

Well, it happens due to the wrongful usage of emotions in wrong situations or with the lack of exposure to those emotions. Well, emotional moments will come in your life, but if you do not recognize particular emotions, you will not be able to perform those accurately.

So, what your child needs is to go forplaygroup education and understand emotions as it is.

Be Aware Of Their Emotions

If your child is not aware of emotions, they will not be able to deal with those properly. This is where you have the responsibility to take care of the emotions of your child.

So, your first instance will be to deal with their emotions in proper ways by being aware of their habits.


Well, as parents, you know them very well, but you might not know how they may react to things. This is where you need to focus on their key steps and understand how they are reacting to things. Understanding their emotions is best possible through being close to them.

Not all parents are close to their children in a true sense. Mitigating the material needs will not be enough. Well, you have to focus on their emotional needs and know what they feel and how they feel. This is not the core but the first step to taking care of the emotions of your child and making them intelligent enough.

If you are not aware of your child’s emotions, you will not be able to make them emotionally intelligent.

Let Them Be Socially Involved

Being socially awkward is not a fashion, but it is distress. If you are not able to deal with society, then it is your fault; not always others can take responsibility.

However, you need to let your child understand that society is important to them. When they understand that society is important to them, they will try to get involved with it properly. Social involvement is a way to boost emotional intelligence in children.


Let's say your child got into a situation where they need to talk with unknown people to deal with the situation. Well, in such cases, the children will not react to anything, or some will get feared.

However, this should not be the approach for them.

Installing emotional intelligence through social involvement by putting them into a play school center may help increase their confidence. In a preschool center, your child will get enough experience in dealing with unknown children, and that will make them experts.

On the other hand, they will learn how to deal with a particular person or situation by understanding the emotions of the opposite person.

Listen And Validate

One of the best ways to deal with the emotions of your child is to listen to them properly. In most cases, we see parents not listening to their children as they think it is unimportant.

It doesn't matter if it is important or unimportant to you, but it is always important for your child to express their emotions. We know that some emotions or feelings are childish, and that is normal for them. It is not about you but your child, and you need to tolerate and support their emotions knowing they are childish.

This particular approach helps create bonding with your child. It is a process of increasing emotional attachment. On the other hand, it is also a process of validating their emotions. You will find this approach clearly in a preschool center. They always try to validate their student’s emotions. This creates an emotional balance in children and helps them understand that every emotion matters.

Help Your Child With Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are not adult skills, but your child needs to create the same sort of balance. When your child is going to a play school center, they can get the environment to increase their problem-solving skills.


Well, in preschool centers, a child gets enough scope to solve new issues with fun. This ultimately creates problem-solving skills in them. Problem-solving needs emotional intelligence. Without emotional understanding, someone cannot solve the problem, especially social problems.

Work On Playing

If you allow your child to go to a playgroup education, they will try to advocate emotions more casually. With different playing moments and fun activities, they will get instances of learning through playing.

Playing also helps in different ways. It works on your emotions and creates situations when their hearts start beating faster in tension. Playing helps to form emotions strongly.

So, try to let your child go to the ground and play. They will learn many things and accept emotions in better ways.

Follow these tips to understand the importance of emotions and also the ways to increase emotional intelligence.