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Ten Stress Zapping Relaxation Techniques to Consider


Currently, the world as constituted moves fast and people have to keep abreast to survive, let alone thrive. Because of this, individuals have to study, work, and take care of their families within the limited and daily twenty-four hours. As a result, it can bring about stress, anxiety, and depression if one fails to take a step back and relieve the build-up stress.

So how can you go about relieving your stress? This article by gives the answer.

Stress Zapping Relaxation Techniques You Have to Know

● Decompress. It proves a useful technique, and all you have to do entails placing a heated wrap on your shoulders and neck for about ten minutes. You only have to relax your neck, face, back muscles, and upper chest. When you finish doing this, please remove the warm wrap before using a foam roller or tennis ball to massage the tension away.

● Laugh heartily and loudly. Well, nothing compares to a deep and hearty laugh when it comes to lightening your mental load. It boosts the production of endorphins and lowers cortisol to help uplift your mood. So enjoy your favorite video or sitcom, read comics, or chat with someone funny or whom you enjoy spending time with.

● Listen to your favorite tunes. Studies illustrate and give credence to the fact that listening to good and soothing music lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety. Create a unique playlist of nature sounds or songs and focus on diverse melodies, singers, or instruments in the song.

● Get moving. You can ease your anxiety and stress levels by engaging in physical activities like running, yoga, walking, jogging, among others. So, take a walk either up the stairs or around your block to enable your brain to release the feel-good chemicals, which can help in dealing with stress.

● Meditate. Daily meditation can help relieve anxiety, and this gets the backing of research. Studies stipulate that meditation alters the neural pathways in the brain and makes you more resilient. All you have to do entails sitting upright and reciting to concentrate your attention.

● Breathe deeply. It can help if you took a break of about five minutes to concentrate on the way you breathe. So sit upright with eyes closed and hands placed on your stomach. Slowly inhale and feel the breath rise from your abdomen up to your head before reversing the process and exhaling using the mouth.

● Be present. You have to focus and become aware of a single behavior, and this can involve different things. You can focus on the taste and texture of food, the feel of your steps, and the feel of fresh air on the face in the morning, etc.

● Reach out. To handle stress in a better way, try and reach out to your network of friends and family. You will get new perspectives and build your connections with them.

● Tune your body. You can mentally scan the body to have a feel of what impacts it every day.


Almost everyone can allude to the fact that stress forms part and parcel of life. However, by considering the techniques explained, you stand an excellent chance of reducing stress.