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ames have power. They indicate tone and the intent. They can, if chosen well, inspire and unify action. They’re an important part of a company’s brand and tone of voice. That’s why branding consultants are so highly paid, if not always highly valued.
There are many routes to choosing good project names, for example:
Turn to naming guides
Look at past project names
Get inspiration from other places
Don't panic or overthink it
This article contains essential tips for choosing a cool name and you can also try our free name generator if you need extra inspiration.
Articulate's free project name generator:
Try your hand at creating your next project (or product) name with this spiffy name generator! Project Jive-theory is just around the corner...
Your next project's name:
Naming guides
I have always found Igor’s Naming Guide to be very helpful guidance for coming up with good product and company names. (Read how I picked Articulate as a name for an example. My colleague Katelyn also has some good advice on how to choose a great name.)
Learn more about modern content marketing techniques
Even with small, internal projects a good name can be a useful tool. And that is what this article is about: choosing good project names.
Right now, at Articulate, we have the following projects underway:
Bay Bridge – refactoring this website to improve conversions
Mini-Ninja – refactoring our HubSpot landing pages, emails and calls-to-action
Moonshot – documenting and improving our sales process
Code names from the past
The most common use of code names is for military operations. We British have uninspiring names. For example, Operation Herrick (Afghanistan) and Operation Granby (Gulf War I) sound more like Monty Python names than operations of war. Apparently there’s a computer in the MOD building in Whitehall that spits out random names. Personally, I like to imagine that it’s actually an elderly civil servant who spends his days setting crossword puzzles until he’s called on for a random name. In contrast, after a period of automation, American code names since 1989 have been designed for PR value as much as obscurity – Desert Shield and Just Cause, for example. There’s an interesting list of US codenames online here.
Great sources for project names
Here are some other interesting sources of names:
WW II military operations
Astronaut names
Female scientists
Animals (like Apple who have used Jaguar, Leopard, Panther etc for OS X versions)
Myths and legends, like American rockets (Apollo, Mercury etc.)
Random code name generators
Dinosaur names
Muppet names (we used these as computer names at Intelligent Games)
Culture ship names (as used by Elon Musk). My favourite: ‘Ultimate Ship The Second’
Jeff Atwood over at Coding Horror has another great list. I like the idea of using Ikea product names.