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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

The Top Habits of Successful Parents: Insights and Tips


Every habit starts from home, especially when it comes to the impressionable minds of children. Thus, parental influence has to do much with the child’s healthy lifestyle. Thus, one can conclude that successful parenting can help build these healthy habits.

Here is how you can become a more successful parent. To become the first and primary role model of your child.

However, before we proceed with the article, we would like to give a fair disclaimer to every parent. This is no rulebook to become the perfect parent; such a concept doesn’t exist. Just because your parental lifestyle doesn’t assign to the one given below doesn’t mean your technique is bad.

As long as you know how to enforce discipline when needed and also know how to show the right amount of warmth for their growth.

The Top Habits of Successful Parents: Insights and Tips

Top Habits Of Successful Parenting

Here are some of the successful parenting habits, according to experts, which they should incorporate in their life (by proxy, to their child’s life as well).

1. Work On Child’s Social Skills

If you simply keep the child guarded inside, you are coddling them to the worst degree. Not only will they not learn to socialize when they finally go to school, but fending for themselves in tough situations will also be difficult.

Instead, it should be a routine to go to a park or any extracurricular class where they interact with people of their fellow age. Social skills also help them understand social skills, aka what to do and what not to do in a social setting. They might find it difficult to adhere to the right social mannerisms without this conscience.

2. Setting The Bar High

Unless you show them what success and hard work look like, how can you expect them to follow in your footsteps? Most important is for them to see your professional achievements, educational qualifications, and ways of handling the household.

Set your child’s bar high when it comes to leading a successful life. However, ensure that this practice is not necessarily forcing them to extreme high achievements. This can lead to premature stress and even easier disappointment.

3. Assigning Chores During Weekends

Weekends shouldn’t always be about academics. Children should also have chores assigned to them. It is according to different parenting styles whether they would prefer rewarding their child with those chores (we would suggest otherwise).

Parents should also accompany the children with the chores and not make them feel like they are doing it all by themselves. This can grow a negative attitude towards chores in general.

It is better to ask your children and give them control over the chore they want to do.

4. Sit With Their Studies

Nothing makes a child feel subconsciously more attended to when the parents sit with their studies. Successful parents make it a habit to sit with their studies. Always stay involved with their academics and ask them about their school’s lesson plan.

This will also encourage your child to speak more about their education. So, if not anything, sit for an hour with their daily homework. You can also help them make plans for their weekly study sessions.

5. Teaching Them Beyond The Curriculum

Teaching your child beyond the extracurricular is very important for their cognitive build. At the end of the day, simply adhering to the syllabus will certainly prepare them for the upcoming test, but certainly not life.

Plus, helping them find their passion through these extracurricular activities will allow them to increase their IQ beyond the books. They keep them active both physically and mentally. Plus, it also poses a good way to keep the child occupied.

Thebest cbse school in Gurgaon has a student’s study plan aligning to their main curriculum since child psychology has given an account of less cortisol (stress hormone) level in children when engaging in such activities post lessons.

6. They Keep Parental Arguments Among Themselves

Parental arguments can have a deep-seated impact on the child which can even haunt them in their adult years. According to the object relation theory of psychoanalysis, a child is more familiar with the relationships they witness while growing up.

They tend to seek such relationships in their adult years as well. Even if they are not healthy, it is the familiarity that keeps them rooted. This means if a child grows up seeing too many loud arguments, they will either adapt that in their relationships or won’t protest when that is happening to them.

This is why it is so important for parents to keep their conflicts to themselves. Not produce a negative air around the house every time there is an argument. However, do not project extreme perfection either. Make them understand that these conflicts are normal and there are better ways to handle them rather than losing one's composure.

7. They Are Involved With The Kid’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

Successful parents in the 21st century are more accepting of the concept of a child’s mental health. In fact, they are always showing their keenness to understand their mental discomfort. As a parent, you can start by educating them about the importance of mental health from a young age.

You can do so by showing less judgment and more composure. Yes, the discipline factor should never be eliminated from the good parenting category. However, if there's domination, judgment, and strict discipline always looming around the child at all times, they might face difficulty in sharing.

8. They Balance Warmth & Rigidity

This brings us to the next practice of being a successful parent. Showing equal amounts of warmth and rigidity is the ultimate formula of parenting. It allows you to understand each situation delicately and make the judgment call.

Always remember, as a good parent, discipline should bring conscience to your child. It is not a way to pour your anger and trauma on them. If they have made a mistake and are in a difficult place, the warmth is to assist them out of it. Reminding them that their parents are always by their side.

Then when they are out of trouble is the time for you to bind them under strict discipline to teach them the perils of the mistake.

9. They Feed Them A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is a necessity for the human body. Many confuse a balanced diet with a healthy diet. However, a healthy diet does ask the individual to cut down on important food items, which can be dangerous for a child’s growing body.

A balanced diet allows all forms of milk products, animal products, green vegetables, and fruits. So providing a balanced diet requires all these products at least once a meal. Children will make a fuss about eating vegetables, so you can try the disguise method.

Another way is to sit together with the family for a meal. Children will often participate in things they see their adult counterparts doing. This includes eating vegetables as well.

If you care looking for thebest school for admission in Gurgaon, this can help them children, Pragynam School have 100% nutritious food and no junk food policy that helps children in early brain development and being creative mind.

10. They Are Respectful Towards Their Child

Respect goes both ways; you cannot expect to always treat your child with disrespect and then be respected at the same time. Yes, of course, there will be respect demanded out of fear & autonomy, but it won’t be genuine.

A key to a successful parent is to always ensure your child’s opinions are heard and their efforts are seen. If you don’t make them feel like a fully functioning individual, they are not going to do so by themselves.