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Student - Gargi College | Posted on | others

This Is How You Love A Girl Who Doubts Everyone


Know she’s going to be blunt and forward AF

When you come across a girl who doubts people she’s learned to say exactly things as they are because a lot of people haven’t and deceived her. She won’t do that to anyone and she won’t let people do it to her. What might come across as coming on too strong, she does it because she’s looking out for herself.

Understand her walls are really high

She can probably count the number of people she can trust on one hand. Everyone else she looks at questioning them. When you are as honest as she is, you learn quickly that very few people are.

Know she has a really good heart people have taken advantage of

She’s watched as people have completely walked all over her and have taken what they have wanted from her and just left. There are times she wishes she was a little colder so it wouldn’t hurt as much.

Understand that she has baggage

Even when it’s other people who have wronged her she still looks at things that have gone wrong and she blames herself. She can tell you about the past that haunts her that she should let go of. She doesn’t. The best thing you can do is teach her sometimes the past she clings to aren’t her problems to hold so tightly and she can let it go.

Know she does believe in good regardless of the bad.

She’s seen the worst of people and is still so kind. She has every reason not to be with the things she’s gone through but she keeps thinking if she is kind and does good eventually it will come back to her.

Understand she’s gotten a lot of what she didn’t deserve

A lot of the things she has experienced was a result of someone else taking their problems out on her and she had to be strong through it. It is because of all of those things she has learned a strength you wouldn’t realize just looking at her.

She’s had to learn to rely on herself.

She’s had to learn to build herself back up every time someone hurt her or broke her heart. She’s learned how to function while being broken.

This Is How You Love A Girl Who Doubts Everyone