Blogger | Posted on |
Too many real estate professionals shy away from blogging because they believe they do not have the time or the ability to get the job done. It's not a problem if you learn how to do it and where to get your content ideas. Before you choose a blogging platform or software, check out these basic real estate blogging tips. You'll get off to a faster start to a highly effective and interesting real estate blog for your area.
01 What Types of Content, or Posts Will You Need and How Much Time is Required?
Man working on laptop
PeopleImages / Getty Images
Don't start a blog unless you're ready to spend the time necessary to post regularly. In most cases, several posts each week will produce the best results for both readers and search engines. A bare minimum should be one post per week, though.
There are so many great topics and items of interest about which you can write. It's best not to make it a blog totally about real estate. Just jotting down the questions you're asked by clients and customers is one way to get content ideas. Each answer is a blog post.
02 How Much Will It Cost to Do it Right?
Woman sitting looking at laptop with one arm up in the air in celebration
Yuri_Arcurs / Getty Images
Actually, the cost is the least concern, as it's quite inexpensive. Think twice before using a free blogging platform, though.
These days, you can host a WordPress blogging platform on multiple vendor hosting sites for less than $60 per year.
03 Take These Blogging Tips to the Bank!
Man depositing a checking with his phone
PhotoInc / Getty Images
If you enjoy what you do, like to talk about it and want to share your knowledge with others, real estate blogging is for you! Keep a few basic concepts in mind and then just jump right in. There are ways to get help from the community, too.
You can position yourself as the local real estate expert by posting regularly about the transaction process and local market trends.
04 Clients and Prospects Will Help With Your Blog
man holding Q in one hand and A in the other
takasuu / Getty Images
Just think about the number of times each week that you answer a question about real estate or your market area for a prospect or client. There's gold in those questions. It's only a matter of getting them noted down until you can convert a question to a blog post. Read the article linked above for another benefit of this strategy.