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What is Mobile SEO?


Mobile SEO is a tactical way of optimizing websites as per the need of Mobile Devices like Smartphone and tablets. So that websites can be easily used and perfectly viewed on each handheld devices despite the different display sizes.

Previously, search engines were showing separate results to users depending on the device getting used for the search. For example, if a searcher looks for the same keyword on both Mobile devices and Desktop device, the result will somehow vary. It is not that the results are irrelevant but a few changes can be noticed easily.

Earlier, the websites that were exclusively designed for mobile pops ups on mobile searches. Whereas, queries made on the desktop use to get only websites built and optimized for desktop. But now, with Artificial Intelligence and Rank Brain becoming part of Google Searches. Google shows the same results on the desktop as well as other handheld devices like mobile and tablet. Though a few changes are still there. But currently, the websites which fall under the mobile first indexing gets a big boost in mobile searches.

Mobile-friendly Websites are not the only Ranking Factor in 2019.

But it is one of the major factors to boost your ranks on Google Mobile Searches. So no denial for the fact that mobile friendly site with SEO support will surely help you in 2019.

Having a mobile-friendly or responsive website is indeed a priority but not enough to help your business survive.

If you actually want your website to generate revenue for the business. Then you really need to ace mobile SEO. For that, you need to start thinking like your readers. Have a keen understanding of the audience who are making searches using their phones.

Searchers aren’t always in a hurry but they want the results quickly and too be handy. So, nowadays even commercial searches are becoming part of the mobile phone or a tablet search. To become a part of those searches you need to optimize your website to be SEO friendly not only for Desktops but also for mobile.Mobile SEO 2019

Let us move ahead and determine which mobile SEO techniques will help you with Search Engine Optimization of your website for Mobile Devices:

1. Optimize Website Contents as per Mobile Search Results

Contents are the reasons people spending time on your website. And even Google take it on a serious note. So, the very first thing which matters in terms of SEO whether it is for mobile devices or the Desktop version is the content. So optimization of contents placed on the site is very crucial and takes lots of understanding and knowledge.

Optimize Contents relevant to your niche key phrases.

People are now searching for shorter queries and letting Google finish their phrases or keywords. So, you need to brainstorm and make a comprehensive list of keywords that you target to rank your website on Mobile searches (all searches consider responsive results these days).

You need to plan your content according to the queries Google receives. For that, you can even take help of Google itself.

Like when you are searching for a keyword on Google Search Bar. A drop-down suggestion box appears. That box is showing the relevant keyphrases which are getting more traffic from the audience in that particular location. Let us understand this by an example.

Being an SEO Company in India we are looking for competitive keywords which are currently getting major traffic on Mobile Devices. Once we type a keyword SEO Company Google itself help us by giving relevant keyphrases which are important for our niche.

mobile seo

So it’s better to have free services of Google rather than using hefty paid tools to determine the keywords. Use those keyphrases within your site to get an SEO Boost.

Optimization based on Location.

In image mentioned earlier, you can notice that the Google is showing result based on the location. So if you are planning for full proof SEO. Then you must be using location-based keyphrases as a tool to get positive results.

Now, searches are getting more local and the strange part is that keywords like “near me” phrase are becoming even more relevant for local searches.

Why so? Because Google has the capability to access your device location and show results based on your reachable geographical area only.

Erstwhile, people would google a phrase like best pizza online and a website from Germany would pop up on the first page of Google. But is the result relevant? If the search is made from USA.

Almost a decade back or longer, Google didn’t consider detecting the location of the searcher, however, the search is far more sophisticated now and people can easily find location-relevant information without mentioning their own location explicitly.

For example, if you want to have pizza in Manhattan and need some recommendations in your own location which is also Manhattan. Then you won’t have to explicitly mention “Manhattan” in your search. Because Google will auto-detect your location if it has permission.

Further, optimize your site based on location and try to be more understandable to Google Bots, regarding your service areas and locations.

Title and Meta Description Optimisation.

There is a saying in our SEO team that if the content is the king of a website then Title and Meta Descriptions are the queens.

But is it really important to optimize title tags and meta descriptions in Mobile SEO?

Mobile Devices mainly have small screens, so you must find ways to deliver the information in those specific display sizes.

Keeping in mind the mobile search, always use concise and meaningful pieces of information in your meta description. So that reader can easily understand the niche of your webpage. Having concise and informative titles can entice the audience to click on your website. Resulting in improve CTR which is an important ranking factor.

If you are eager for good SEO results then follow all factors of on-page optimizations like titles, meta-descriptions, and quality contents keeping mobile devices in mind. Further, you can learn some more on-page SEO Strategy.

Structured Data

With small screens, it is important to deliver all information at a time in the single screen. Because no individual likes to wait or wants to open new tabs or windows.

It is noted that with a small screen size the results with snippets generally receive more clicks and generates more CTR (Click-through ratio). Even audience on mobile device prefers snippets. As they find it amusing to get details without visiting the actual website.

To get those snippets you must follow the rules of Structured Data. If you are delivering contents in systematical form. Then Google appreciates it and gives you Rank 0 spot on the SERP in terms of snippet whether it’s Mobile Device or Desktop.

Optimize unplayable contents.

If you are placing media files on your website which run perfectly on the desktop. But the same media is unable to play on the mobile device, resulting in bad user experience.

We all understand how bad it sounds earlier while using a Desktop device and pop up shows that a media can’t run because of the missing flash player. Every reasonable website owner doesn’t want this happen with their audience.

So while using different formats of content on your website, think about the mobile devices too. Are the formats compatible with the mobile phones and tablets?

Experts suggest that using HTML5 for the purpose of video embedding can help you to improve website usability on every device despite their screen sizes.

Further, you can look at some of the Media Formats for HTML audio and video which you can use while uploading media.

Moving forward with the list of ways of properly optimizing a website. For optimal user experience on the mobile phone, tablets, small screen devices.

2. Responsive Website Design for Mobile SEO

First and foremost, responsive website design itself is a method of creating the website using content, images, and structure in such a manner that it can work perfectly on every available device. Regarding different screens, browsers or devices.

Responsive web design helps you get a website which not only handles every device. But can seamlessly work on mobile devices.

In responsive web design, both the mobile site and the desktop version has the same HTML codes, URL and content irrespective of the seo

Most of the time Responsive website designers use meta name=”viewport” tag within the site source. So that Internet Browser can easily identify the ways of properly adjusting the content based on screen size.

Either you can get a responsive website if you are creating your website on WordPress or similar platforms. As they will automatically optimize your site for every screen size without your need of declaring the viewport.

Having a responsive website is one of the major role players in Mobile SEO 2019. As it helps SEO in terms of Google indexing and crawling.

3. Separate URL based on Devices.

Before the use of Responsive Web Design mainly website owners used to have different URL for Desktop and Mobile devices.

But today also some website owner prefers to have Separate URL, which is not necessarily important. The below image will clear your confusion on Separate URL and Responsive design has overcome search engine optimization

Then also it is important to discuss Separate URL for the sake of understanding. This method involves the use of different URLs having different HTML Code for a single website for displaying on respective screen sizes.

4. Dynamic Serving to add more to your SEO.

We can not miss out this point. In addition to responsive web design, Dynamic Serving is also a crucial part of mobile-friendly websites. Similar to Responsive web design Dynamic serving uses a single URL for both Desktop and mobile devices. Whereas HTML code varies from one device to other, depending on the requesting user made thru.

SEO Mobile

The main reason behind using Dynamic serving are the heavy file like videos or similar contents. Which are too large and are not compatible with the mobile device. Having a dynamic serving gives you an advantage of specifying the view depending on users requesting devices.

5. Social Media and Mobile SEO go hand in hand

Social media applications are developed for maximum consumption of mobile or tablet usage. Since the devices are handy and let social media users stay connected even when they are on the move.

Moreover, social media is indeed a fruitful platform for distributing content and garnering leads. Search marketers must consider optimizing their content for social media shareability.Search Engine Optimization

Content is indeed the backbone of any SEO Strategy and even for Mobile SEO, content is vital. But before you get down to ensuring a consistent supply of valuable content. Make sure that you have your social content distribution portals sorted.

Always ensure that your website contains are connected with social media icons. So that users can easily share your content on their social accounts.