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Himani Saini

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Why Is It Profitable to Order Home Furniture on Globy?



Previously, people bought furniture in land-based stores. Nowadays, they are increasingly using the internet for this. The fact is that you can easily order the desired object by selecting it in the catalog and receiving the goods from the delivery service. Most often, the products come disassembled. This is the case with retail sales, but what about the wholesale purchase of furniture? Practice shows that most of the large purchases are made by business entities online using B2B marketplaces, which we will discuss further. On some sites, you can not only choose the right sets but also get good prices. 

The sale of goods is not the only goal. Some companies resell furniture in bulk to benefit from a speculative transaction. This common practice is increasingly being applied on the web, and everyone can try to make money on the price difference. For instance, you can order furniture in China, Turkey, or Romania, and then resell it in North America, where prices for the same models are significantly higher. If you go to the "Home-Furniture" section on Globy, you will see an excellent selection of stylish furniture from manufacturers from all over the world. You can order a batch of goods by sea, calculating the approximate cost of the goods (on the website you can find a special tool for this).

Why Is It Profitable to Order Home Furniture on Globy?


Furniture Requirements and Popular Products 

Furniture plays a big role in human life, so strict requirements are imposed on it. Firstly, the seat or bed should be comfortable and fit the height of a person. When choosing, pay attention to the dimensions, as they may appear larger or smaller in the picture. The second important factor is safety. The components must be made of safe materials. Rattan chairs are in great demand and can be used both at home and on outdoor terraces. Next, some of the most popular products from the Globy catalog will be listed. It should be remembered that they can only be ordered in bulk; the batch size is indicated in the product description.

  • Rattan Relax Single Chair;
  • 2 Seater Rattan Sofa;
  • Salesas Armchair;
  • 3 Seater Rattan Sofa With Coffee Table;
  • Dove Oak Carved King Bed.

The product card must contain a detailed description of the product and its characteristics. You can also choose the layout and colors. The supplier usually offers several similar models so that the buyer always has a choice. You should be sure to pay attention to the stiffness of the bed or chair. This information is indicated in the description of the mattress. Lamellas can be rigid or bending. This can also be clarified with the seller. The cost is indicated without taking into account transportation. You can use a special calculator on the website for approximate estimates. The price is not final, and it is recommended to bargain with suppliers and demand a reduction. Most often, this practice turns out to be successful. 

Why Is It Profitable to Order Home Furniture on Globy?



Selection of Furniture on the B2B Marketplace

On the Globy website, you can find not only speculators but also manufacturers of goods. Every large production has its representatives on the internet who sell original products. Of course, you should check the patents and make sure that you are not dealing with scammers. At Globy, all suppliers are checked at the registration stage, and this gives you additional protection. It is recommended to take your time to place orders, consider several options, and choose the best one; for this, you can use the site search. You need to hover over the "Search product" field and enter your query. You can try to find furniture from Vietnam. Manufacturers from this country offer a wide selection of MDF furniture for any interior.

You can also find solid wood products on the website. This is not an imitation. Your experts can verify this. If the product does not match the declared quality, you can request a refund. It is safest to conclude transactions with the transfer of funds to the current account of companies. In this case, you minimize the risks. Individuals cannot purchase goods on Globy. This marketplace works according to the B2B formula. That is, only business entities can enter into transactions.