Should news channel be blamed for pressurizing Indian army for -#Badla- for Pulwama Terrorist Attack? - letsdiskuss
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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Should news channel be blamed for pressurizing Indian army for -#Badla- for Pulwama Terrorist Attack?


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As we know our CRPF jawans were targeted by the suicide bomber of Jaise -E- Mohammad, a terrorist organisation in Pulwama region of Jammu and Kashmir. More than 41 jawans were martyred in the attack. JeM took the responsibility of the attack in few hours after the attack.

Now, it was the upto that regiment how it takes it's avenge. There was anger among the citizens of the country, everybody wanted Army to take avenge of those martyred. There were processions on the streets, there was anger against Pakistan for supporting these terrorist organisations. There were candle marches in the whole country. Crores of people were on the streets of the country to criticise this heinous act. The whole nation was on boil and there were International communities unitedely condemning the terror attack.

Now, all these things were natural. The whole country was saddened by the attack and everyone had empathy towards the families of those soldiers who were martyred into the attack. Now, what did our Media do was they exaggerated the issue to such a level, that invoked the public to demand Badla against the terror attack. Also, the country had seen the similar attack on jawans in URI as well.

Neither the foreign ministry said anything nor the Army. But media itself showed and raised the issue to such a level demanding Surgical Strike 2. The whole debate on any news channel was revolved around Hindu-Muslim, Kesari power, 56 inch chest and all those non sense thins and invoked the anger among the people and a pressurise the government to do another surgical strike. There was a full day coverage on each and every news channel regarding what happens if both the countries go into war. This was just to provoke people that war mongering debates were there from morning to night.LetsdiskussSmiley face

Though I don't think there was any kind of pressure on Army because the CRPF chief himself had said that they would take avenge of the attack. But no doubt media created an environment of war as if war is the only way to take revenge. Our Army knows, how to take avenge, at what time of take avenge and of what intensity. And they had shown it through Surgical strike as well as Air strike.

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