some pasters say if dont believe in God Jesus or yehova then you would go to hell?did Bible say that? - letsdiskuss
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varma R

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some pasters say if dont believe in God Jesus or yehova then you would go to hell?did Bible say that?


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If God really is all loving, then how can He send anybody to hell?" The question is almost an embarrassment for Christians today.


From one viewpoint, the Bible instructs that God is love, but, then again, it cautions that the individuals who reject God face everlasting discipline, and it contains visit alerts about the risk of going to damnation.

Be that as it may, aren't these two in some way or another conflicting with one another? All things considered, many individuals assume that they are conflicting, however in actuality this isn't at all self-evident. All things considered, there is no express logical inconsistency between them. The announcement "God is all adoring" and "A few people take a hike" are not expressly conflicting. So if these two are conflicting, there must be some shrouded presumptions which would serve to draw out the inconsistency and make it express.


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