Student (Delhi University) | Posted on | Entertainment
Blogger | Posted on
This is a horrific documentary on how the evangelicals are indoctrinating the impressionable minds of young kids in USA.
According to this Evangelist, Harry Potter is a "Warlock" and warlocks should not be made a hero. And had it been the old testament, Harry Potter would have been put to death.
They are creating an army of sorts using these kids and imprint on their minds the notions like "dying for Jesus" and "abortion is a sin".
What's more scary is that these people have a huge political sway and can even influence election outcomes. And they are slowly creeping up in India too.
2. Tickled
Heard of a competition where participants tickle each other?
Tickled is a story where a New Zealand journalist decides to make a story on Competitive Endurance Tickling event but ends up exposing shocking identity theft crimes and legal frauds of a tickle fetished millionaire. 3. ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room
This energy company went from 10 billion assets to 65 billion assets in 16 years and to total bankruptcy in 24 days.
These guys gamed the system so much that they were completely careless about the consequences.
Icarus is a shocking documentary in which the director of Anti Doping laboratory of Russia and a cyclist of the US expose the systematic doping of Russian athletes that is sponsored by Russia itself. This goes on all the way to the top to even Putin. A great watch
5. The Jinx : Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
This documentary should be on the top of every one’s list. It follows the case of a high profile murder allegedly committed by a real estate millionaire Robert Durst and is extremely chilling.
The final episode just puts your brain in a blender.
BBA in mass communication | Posted on
Documenting reality, that’s what the art of documentary movies means. Entirely different from the world of commercial masala movies, the world of documentary movies gain its substance by intermixing the reality with art and coming to a conclusion which allows us to draw a message or lesson coming from some real life examples.