Uber and Flipkart join hands, will cab now bring your important stuff? - letsdiskuss
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Uber and Flipkart join hands, will cab now bring your important stuff?


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It's a phenomenal time to be alive in, for a large portion of us recent college grads in any event, as we have never observed anything like this. We as a whole are living and working in some dubious occasions as coronavirus keeps on unleashing destruction over the globe. What's more, with India's lockdown liable to be lifted in one more week's time we aren't sure whether we ought to step out after that.

In the midst of the entirety of this bedlam, Uber India has inked an arrangement with the online business goliath Flipkart to assist us with battling this destructive infection. Under this association, Uber India will work with Flipkart to convey fundamental merchandise to individuals.

This arrangement will guarantee the conveyance of basic supplies and food supplies across Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. We believe it's an incredible activity and it'll enormously profit we all since we won't need to go out to make an inventory run. It's significant that we abstain from wandering out and stay inside, so we were unable to have requested a superior assistance.

It's likewise worth calling attention to that Uber won't charge any commission for these conveyances. Actually, the organization says that the entirety of the request conveyance charges will go directly to the driver. It's incredible in light of the fact that drivers for the most part need to swear off up to 25% of their bonus on ordinary days. We think this will incredibly help the drivers too who are putting their lives in danger of being outside.

Starting at now, we're not so much secure with the augmentation of the lockdown. Notwithstanding, we figure this organization will help us a great deal at any rate for the rest of the times of the lockdown. Uber has additionally banded together with BigBasket and Spencer's Retail to encourage conveyance alternatives for the clients.

We're happy to see such associations during these intense occasions and we trust everything returns to being typical very soon. Remain safe, everybody.


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