Water angel investors and its features ? - letsdiskuss
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Yamini Agrawal

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Water angel investors and its features ?


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Angel investor is an individual who provide capital for a business startup and early stage companies having a high risk, high return metrics usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.

Features of angel investors are -

1. The job of an Angel investor is in valuable.

2. Most angle investor's are current or retired executive, business owners or high net worth individuals who have the knowledge, expertise and found that help startup match up to industry standards.

3. Apart from investing funds most angels provide advice, guidance and connection in its early days.

4. Their objective is to create great company by providing value creation, and simultaneously helping investor realising a higher return on investment.

5. As Angel investors bare extremely high risk and are usually subject to dilution from future investment rounds they expect a very high return on investment.Letsdiskuss

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