What abilities should we have to become a scientist? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Education

What abilities should we have to become a scientist?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

There are many qualifications and abilities that one must have to become a scientist. The most important of all of these however, is having a scientific vision. There are two schools of thought about being scientist. One thinks that people are born with this scientific vision while the other maintains that this can be achieved with right education. It can be learnt just like a person born blind educates himself through Braille.

There is one more school of thought which maintains that people are born with the ability to become a scientist which has to be nurtured over time. Like a sculpture which is made of an unshaped stone.

For any of the above to happen, the primary requirement however, is the presence of right opportunity. Without an opportunity, neither a person with ability, nor the one with talent, can become anything.



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