What about if someone give you same-day midnight surprises cake and flower? - letsdiskuss
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Santosh Kumar

student | Posted on | Entertainment

What about if someone give you same-day midnight surprises cake and flower?


Teacher | Posted on

Cake is fine but I don’t know what I’d do with the flowers, that too at midnight. I’m good with cake because I have received them many a times, for example on my birthday or other special occasions and it has always made me happy.

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About flowers, I haven’t received them ever, so can’t say if they would make me happy or not. But I think they should because I like them. The only problem with flowers, however, is that they can’t be kept with us forever. They will lose their freshness and had to be given up after some time only to get the new ones, which might or might not be gifted.

So I’d be happy to receive cakes not just at midnight, but at anytime of the day. Flowers are better where they belong –in gardens and wild.


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