What are government plan to control out as air quality pollution ? - letsdiskuss
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Siddharth Singh

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What are government plan to control out as air quality pollution ?


Assistant professor ( Finance & Marketing) & Admission Councellor | Posted on


Every year citizens of India faces hazardous gases to inhale. Government inadequate response towards strategic control of pollution fails every year. The government’s plan to cut air pollution lacks concrete proposals and fails to tackle the problem and are never able to find out the solutions for the main source of illegal emissions in towns and cities: cars and Lorries. During the season of November it’s hard to find out from where the pollution dust comes, is it smog, or due to crackers for which every year supreme court fails to give any strict law and order if so given then people of India don’t find it worth to obey.

This year also the current statistics shows the most polluted cities in India:-

The highest polluted cities recorded were Delhi, Faridabad, Kanpur, Pune, Varanasi.
The reasons for Air Pollution were said to be as follows:-
1. National capital shares its border with the states of Haryana and some parts are touched by Uttar Pradesh where farmers are burning the crop stubble which are carried out to the parts of Delhi regions by winds which causes dense smog.
2. Pollution caused by Traffic is pathetic in the parts of High Suburbs. People use more of their own vehicles which causes havoc traffic jams and air pollution despite of public transport available in their cities.
3. Another reason is the festival season of Diwali and Dussera where crackers are banned but still people fail to obey the court order which itself causes immensely heavy pollution and noise pollution.
Looking after the health disaster every year with number of increasing health problems, The Modi government has finalized Rs 637 Cr National Clean Air programme to improve the quality of air in India. This programme is India’s first attempt at working out a coordinated system to control the air pollution, which requires all the states to frame their own Clean Air Programmes.

While the national programme lays down certain time frame for measures such as setting up of additional centers to monitor air quality across 100 cities, it does not have any direct control measures. This programme will be set up with the apex committee members under the supervision of Environmental minister along with joint secretary and steering committee.