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Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and mask: Some means for the family

Learn about masks and how to use them in your homeLetsdiskuss
The mask helps stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. However, many parents have noticed that it is not at all easy for children to start using masks.
Several countries have a long history of using masks to reduce bacterial infections. But for many families, 2020 will be a memorable time for them to wear a mask for the first time.
If you have never used a mask before, you will probably have a number of questions. To help you make the best decision for your family, we've gathered the latest expert information on how to wear and properly care for a mask in the context of Covid-19 and how to start using it successfully in your family:
For general information about Covid-19, what are its symptoms, how it spreads and how to protect yourself and your children, COVID-19: What parents should know.Why wear a face mask
Why wear a face mask?
One of the main ways in which Covid-19 spreads is through droplets from the airways, which are released when people talk, sing, cough or sneeze. Although research is ongoing, we now know that the virus can spread through people who have no symptoms. This means that some people can be infected, even without any realization.
This is one of the reasons why it is so important to maintain physical distance in places where the prevalence of Covid-19 is high. However, it is not always possible to maintain a distance from others in crowded places, which is why it is advisable to use cloth masks to protect everyone in such situations.
But keep in mind that just one mask will not stop the spread of Covid-19 - we all need to adhere to physical distance and continue to wash our hands frequently. Together with these steps we can defeat Kovid-19. Learn more