What are some interesting facts about February’s Supermoon? - letsdiskuss
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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | Science-Technology

What are some interesting facts about February’s Supermoon?


Flight Lieutenant ( Indian Air Force) | Posted on

Although February’s Supermoon is not as much interesting as the last month’s Blood moon, it has its own beauty which may interest you as much.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: ericamckinney.com)

All you need to do is go through these interesting facts about the February Supermoon:

• In 2019, it is going to be the biggest and brightest Supermoon of the year.

• A Supermoon is when the full moon is the closest to earth in its orbit. Which means the moon will be placed at Perigee (the point on the moon’s orbit which is closest to earth).

• This year during the Supermoon, the moon will be just 221, 681 miles away from the earth, while the average distance between the earth and the moon is 29,000 miles.

• The moon is 14% bigger and about 30% brighter during a Supermoon.

• It will be visible on Monday and Tuesday night.

• The full moon, every month is given a special name according to the special characteristic of the month, and the February Supermoon is given the name, Snowmoon as it is the month of heavy snowfall in the west.

• February's Supermoon has also been reefed to as ***** or Hunger moon due to the unavailability of food at this time.

• This Supermoon is going to be the second of three consecutive Supermoons.

• People, during this Supermoon, can actually notice a full moon rising.

• After every 19 years, there is no full moon in the month of February, and that is referred to as Black Moon. In that case, there are two full moons in both January and March.