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ashutosh singh

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What are some misconceptions about Lakshmana in the Ramayana?


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Lakshmana, an unmistakable person in the Indian legendary, the Ramayana, is frequently misconstrued because of different misinterpretations. Here are a few normal misinterpretations about Lakshmana:

1. Lakshmana's Thoughtful Love for Rama: One normal misinterpretation is that Lakshmana's dedication to Master Rama is exclusively because of their kindly relationship. While their bond as siblings is solid, it rises above familial ties. Lakshmana's adoration and devotion to Rama are established in his acknowledgment of Rama's heavenly nature as a manifestation of Ruler Vishnu. He serves Rama as a sibling as well as his impassioned devotee.

2. Lakshmana's Indignation and Impulsiveness: A few misinterpretations depict Lakshmana as hot-tempered and indiscreet. Notwithstanding, in the Ramayana, he is known for his faithful steadfastness and discretion. Lakshmana's activities, like removing Shurpanakha's nose, were driven by his profound feeling of obligation and insurance of Sita and Rama.

3. Lakshmana's Jealousy: There's a misguided judgment that Lakshmana was desirous of Ruler Rama. Actually, Lakshmana's personality is absent any trace of envy or contention. He holds Rama in the most noteworthy regard and is focused on serving him sacrificially.

4. Lakshmana's Disregard of His Better half, Urmila: Lakshmana is in some cases scrutinized for leaving his significant other, Urmila, behind during the exile time frame. Be that as it may, this was not a demonstration of carelessness yet rather a penance made at Urmila's solicitation. She decided to stay snoozing during Lakshmana's nonattendance, assuming the weight of his portion of rest so he could be completely ready and prepared to serve Rama and Sita.

5. Lakshmana's Visually impaired Obedience: Another misguided judgment is that Lakshmana indiscriminately submitted to Rama's requests. While he holds profound regard for his senior sibling, he likewise gives insight and direction. Lakshmana was never reluctant to communicate his perspectives and conclusions when he accepted it was for Rama's government assistance.

6. Lakshmana's Death: A few forms of the Ramayana inaccurately portray Lakshmana's passing. In the first Valmiki Ramayana, Lakshmana doesn't pass on during the occasions of the epic. He proceeds to serve and safeguard Rama all through their excursion.

Lakshmana's personality in the Ramayana encapsulates unfaltering steadfastness, benevolence, and significant dedication to Master Rama. He fills in as an optimal illustration of dharma (nobility), obligation, and the penances made for the government assistance and security of one's family and standards. Understanding these parts of his personality dissipates the misinterpretations frequently connected with Lakshmana in the Ramayana.



phd student Allahabad university | Posted on

lakshmana yelled on parasurama:there is nothing similar to that valmiki Ramayana … both the siblings bowed down to parasurama in regard …
he derided on surpanakha: this is the most aggravating thing that these pseudo women's activists call attention to , he didn't ridicule on her ,he disclosed to her that he is hitched and not inspired by her simply like his sibling did.
he assaulted on surpanakha : again the best misguided judgment ,surpanakha assaulted and attempted to execute and eat maa sita ,so as a brother by marriage it was his obligation to ensure his sister in law ,who resembles a mother to him…
he has outrage issues and he is self-important: yes he is irritable however it isn't care for ,he would yell on everybody for reasons unknown… man he also is a caring individual and never egotistical…
he is more fragile than meghnad : man he is shesha the awesome snake ,and meghnad is only a human,meghnad was in his chariot that too in air and lakshmana was on the ground… if any one would be in lakshmana's position trust me ..he would have been in paradise in one go,and lakshmana was so solid in battling him..
lakshmana rekha : there is no lakshmana rekha as indicated by valmiki ramayana… .he just asked maa sita to remain in the cottage and not to get out…
he didn't rest for 14 yrs: yes again individuals think in the incorrect way , no he used to rest and he didn't move his rest to his better half ..
he used to rest outside the cabin for ensuring his sibling and sister in law …



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Lakshmana: Beyond Misconceptions

Lakshmana, the younger brother of Lord Rama, is one of the most beloved characters in the Ramayana. He is known for his unwavering loyalty, devotion, and courage. However, there are a few misconceptions about Lakshmana that have been perpetuated over time.

Misconception 1: Lakshmana was cruel and misogynistic.

Lakshmana is often portrayed as being cruel and misogynistic, especially towards Shurpanakha, the sister of Ravana. It is true that Lakshmana cut off Shurpanakha's nose when she attacked Sita. However, it is important to remember that Shurpanakha had already attacked Sita and tried to kill her. Lakshmana was simply protecting his sister-in-law.

Misconception 2: Lakshmana was not as powerful as Rama.

Some people believe that Lakshmana was not as powerful as Rama. This is simply not true. Lakshmana was a skilled warrior and archer, and he was often able to defeat even the most powerful of enemies. In fact, Lakshmana even defeated Ravana twice in battle.

Misconception 3: Lakshmana was angry all the time.

Lakshmana is often portrayed as being angry and irritable. However, this is not an accurate representation of his character. Lakshmana was a kind and compassionate person, but he was also fiercely protective of his loved ones. When he saw someone being threatened, he would not hesitate to defend them.

Misconception 4: Lakshmana was not as important as Rama.

Some people believe that Lakshmana was not as important as Rama. This is simply not true. Lakshmana played a vital role in Rama's victory over Ravana. He was Rama's most trusted advisor and confidant, and he was always there to support his brother in times of need.

Lakshmana was a complex and well-rounded character. He was loyal, devoted, courageous, and compassionate. He possessed adept skills as both a warrior and an archer. The misconceptions about Lakshmana that have been perpetuated over time do not justice to his true character.
