What are some preventive measures to help control diabetes? - letsdiskuss
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Natalia Wilson

| Posted on | Health-beauty

What are some preventive measures to help control diabetes?


Dietitian | Posted on

If you or someone in your family has diabetes, it is important to understand the disease and work towards preventing it. Diabetes is a disorder in which the body cannot properly use glucose due to either poor production of insulin or an inability to use insulin correctly. In this blog post, we'll discuss some preventive measures that you can take to help manage a diagnosis of diabetes.

The first thing you can do is find out whether you have prediabetes and are at risk for developing diabetes or not. Prediabetes usually progresses into full-blown type 2 diabetes within ten years if left untreated, so it’s important that people know their risk factors.



student | Posted on

Diabetes is the most common disease and concern of our society. It refers to the serious disease in which concentration of blood glucose ( blood sugar ) becomes too high. There are som preventive measures to control diabetes are as follows- Avoid sugar from your diet and food, Exercise regularly, do enough work out, Drink water as much as possible, Lose weight, Leave smoking and drinking, avoid sedentary behaviors, eat a high fiber diet, and many more.



Content writer | Posted on

Insulin, made by the pancreas, helps glucose from the blood to reach your cells to be used for energy.But when insulin fails to do the job for us the sugar level in the blood increases. . Exercise is one way to keep diabetes under control .When a person workouts daily less insulin is required to keep blood sugar levels under control.Drinking water instead of any other beverages leads to better sugar level.Obesity is considered another culprit for diabetes and keeping the weights under control is very important. Minimizing carbohydrates in diet has shown to reduce the sugar levels in blood.Keeping a watch on diet is very important.



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