What are the 5 advantages and disadvantages of technology? - letsdiskuss
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Dhawani Singh

Student | Posted on | Science-Technology

What are the 5 advantages and disadvantages of technology?


homemaker.blogger | Posted on

In 20th century, technology has revolutionized all aspects of our lives. It has become impossible to find any area like office, schools, shopping, travel, transport, education, movies, entertainment, communication and all aspects that doesn’t incorporate digitization in any form. It has proved as a blessing for almost everyone and also improved daily life. But, along with its advantages, some downsides of technology have also emerged as a warning signs to be considered. Let’s read out some of them;

Advantages of technology;
1) Internet and various mobile technologies have improved personal and work life. Everything is available at just one click. Huge amount of data and information can be stored easily and transferred instantly. Communication through instant messages and video calls was never so easy before.
2) Technology is considered as a boon in field of education. From e-learning programs to online classes and social media to online games, all have changed and enhanced the traditional way of learning.
3) Technology has also widened the scope for banking, transportation, infrastructure, small and large companies, defence, automation and entertainment industry. All these sectors have experienced a revolution in their respective areas and work culture. Thanks to technological up-gradations that have made everything accessible and affordable.
4) Technology is a time saver and self sufficient.
5) The greatest favor of modern technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other electronic gadgets and softwares have bought up a whole new era of revolution.
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Disadvantages of technology;
1) Privacy concerns and data security is major drawback of technology. Its misuse can breach large amount of private information at a single click. Thus, controlling personal information from getting leaked or hacked sometimes becomes impossible.
2) Digital media is manipulated in way of crimes like online frauds, hacking, fake Photoshop etc. Terrorism using digital media has also intensified due to technological improvements.
3) Mobile phones and other advanced gadgets are complex and not so friendly to use by people of all ages. Everything has now become digitized and application based, which sometimes become complex to use.
4) A sense of social disconnects and isolation has evolved over the years because of technology. This has ultimately worsened the situation of mental illness and depression in many people. Its negative impact on children is also growing, which cannot be underestimated as well.
5) Over reliance and addiction of gadgets has become very common. Almost everyone has replaced their social life with the modern gadgets and other electronic items. Loneliness and lack of human contact are becoming common.
Technology has saved our time and money; still we don’t have the time to spare with our loved ones, it has made us busier rather