What are the 5 major hair extensions tips that should be followed by women? - letsdiskuss
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Mahira sharma

Blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

What are the 5 major hair extensions tips that should be followed by women?


Student | Posted on

Nowadays Hair extension of most commonly used by women especially with the one who cares for their beauty. They are also known as artificial integration or hair weaves which usually added length or fullness to human hair.

Hair extension instantly increases length of your hair.

Hair extensions add volume to your hair.

They allow you to add a highlighted look in natural or even vibrant colours too and without damaging your hair with bleach and dies which is harmful for you

So today I will tell you five major Hair extension tips:

1. Wigs and hair pieces: They come in different form and can be easily applied to your head. They are made to cover your entire hair to look much prettier than before.


If you are having hair loss balding or you want to change your look you can use this to look more beautiful than before.

2. Clip in hair extension: it is also known as clip in weft. You can attach clip to your base and then it is ready to use.

The thing you have to do is clip pieces to your natural hair at your own.This type of hair extension is very simple and it is done very quickly and suddenly increases the length of your hair and it looks very cool.

3. Fusion and pre-bonded hair extension: Hair's are being fused with your natural hair using different adhesive or glue. It takes longer time but it is stay up to 4 months. But you look so so beautiful with less hair extension believe me.

4.Sew in hair extension (weave): You can use this it add up length to your hair. A needle and thread is used to sew the weave. It is a longer process it can only be done by an experienced hairdresser as it is the technical application.

5. Micro link hair extension: it is also known as micro bead or micro loop extension. This can be done by using silicone-lined bead. It looks cool and your hair looks bus thicker than before.

so,by using all these techniques you can add up length and fullness to your hair. It can be done naturally as it protect your hair and it is not harmful for your health and do not have any side effect as well.

so above are all five major extension that can be used and followed by women nowadays.


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