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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Health-beauty

What are the advantages of the juice of bitter gourd?


Student (Delhi University) | Posted on

Bitter gourd usually is not liked by anyone, especially children, and the reason for this is it being bitter. Bitter Gourd is like truth, bitter but effective. And consequently, it has many advantages.

• There is sufficient quantity of phosphorus in bitter gourd. It helps in curing cough.

• For the people suffering from diabetes, a mixture of the juice of bitter gourd and carrot is recommended. This reduces the level of sugar in blood gradually. It is advantageous to drink it in the morning.

• People who have stone in their kidney should take this juice as it helps dissolving it.

• Bitter Gourd increases your appetite. So it is helpful if you have appetite difficulties.

• The alkaloid elements present in bitter gourd serve as a blood purifier.

• Applying bitter gourd juice on hands and feet at night before sleeping cures bloating and skin diseases.